Charlotte Flair vs Becky Lynch: A Rivalry Renewed

Charlotte Flair vs Becky Lynch: A Rivalry Renewed

I'm back! It's been about two months since my last blog post on here, but I am back. What better way to come back to blogging than returning with the Charlotte Flair and Becky Lynch feud? So, why wait any longer? Let's do this!

I just want to start off by saying that this has been my favorite current feud ever since it began at SummerSlam. What's ironic is that this is the feud that was going on for the Diva's Championship when I returned to watching wrestling in late 2015.

I absolutely love that this feud is a lot different than the previous one. In the previous feud, we saw Charlotte play the villain and Becky play the hero. Also, as the feud went on, we would continuously see Charlotte always retaining the title against Becky. Now, in 2018, that is not the case. This time, Becky is playing the villain and Charlotte is playing the hero, and Becky was able to defeat Charlotte for the title.

(Side Note: People complained and are still complaining about Becky being the heel and Charlotte being the babyface. Yet, those people are the same ones that complain about WWE being predictable and always repeating matches and rivalries. So, why complain about something that hasn't been done before? Would it not be predictable for them to have made Charlotte the heel, again, and Becky the babyface, again? I had to get that out there. Alright, let's continue.)

We've seen that Charlotte can play a great heel and babyface. Becky has been a great babyface and we are gradually seeing her become a great heel. I personally think that her current heel promos are the best promos she's ever done in WWE. I love the "I don't care" attitude from her. If she was willing to attack her best friend to get the title back, then that just shows that she will do absolutely anything to keep it.

The fact that Becky is getting cheered does not make her a bad heel. Her fans are going to cheer for her no matter what. That's what fans do. Heels get booed and cheered all the time. Becky walks the walk and talks the talk. So, there's not much else we can ask from her.

Now, tonight is Smackdown 1000. I'm sure a segment between the two will happen during the show, but what will it lead to? That is what I love about this rivalry. It leaves you wondering what is going to happen next.

No matter what happens tonight, I'm sure it is going to be good. After last week's heated exchange between the two, I'm really looking forward to seeing where this rivalry goes next.

Let me know in the comment section below what you think of the feud and who you want to see ultimately come out on top!


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