In the Spotlight (Ep. 4): Bayley

In the Spotlight (Ep. 4): Bayley

As you can see, this month's "In the Spotlight" wrestler is Bayley. I haven't always been a fan of Bayley. However, the past few months, I have begun to like her character. it's safe to say that 2018 has been a fairly good year for her so far.

Unfortunately, 2017 didn't seem to be a good year for Bayley.

Despite winning the Raw Women's Championship, Bayley's title reign seemed to be lacking. She would successfully defend the title at back-to-back PPVs, but it still seemed like there was something missing. Her feud with Alexa Bliss had no substance to it and I was honestly eager to see her lose the title.

Not too long before SummerSlam, Bayley was injured with a separated shoulder. She would come back be put in a Fatal 5-Way match at No Mercy for the title. Bliss would pin Bayley to retain the title. Then, at Survivor Series, she was the first member of Team Raw to be eliminated, but they would go on to win the match.

Like myself, others began to doubt Bayley and question her role on the main roster. It was as if the Bayley that we saw in NXT, no longer existed. As I returned to watching WWE, I was able to watch her last eight months in NXT. I enjoyed it and it seemed like she had been carrying the NXT women's division for quite some time.

Although her gimmick carried over from NXT to the main roster, the entertainment was no longer there. Now, people have blamed the booking for Bayley's struggles in 2017, but that's no excuse for her lack of entertainment. Even though I wanted to, I just couldn't get a feel for any of her promos.

Thankfully, 2018 has been a lot different. We've gone through three months and I'm already loving what Bayley has done so far. You may think that there's no difference, but her character is slowly changing.

She's still using the "hugger" gimmick, but her attitude is slowly changing. I think this feud with Sasha has been very good for her and she's been handling it very well. We've seen many "best friends to worst enemies" storylines in WWE, and I am very much invested in this one. We're getting less "Ever since I was a little kid" promos from her and getting more that have substance to them.

I'm getting the vibe that Bayley is very much invested into this storyline as well, and I absolutely love that. We already know that her and Sasha can put on an incredible match. Solid build-ups to matches are crucial because they get fans to actually look forward to seeing what happens next. Thanks to Bayley's change of character and attitude, I am looking forward to seeing how the rivalry turns out.

Her Mixed Match Challenge segments with Elias earlier this year were entertaining as well. On top of all of that, she's already been in two history-making matches this year.

I definitely look forward to seeing how well Bayley does the rest of the year. I believe she can be one of the best crowd-favorites that the company has ever seen. Also, I think she could pull of being a heel if that's where they choose to go with her. I couldn't see it last year, but the way her character has adapted this year has made me a believer.

Who knows, I may end up having to buy one of her t-shirts.

Let me know what you think of Bayley's run in 2017 or current run in the comment section below!

Stay tough, and stay positive!

In case you missed it:

Bayley's Explanation to Sasha:

Bayley & Sasha's Backstage Brawl:


  1. I also haven't been a big fan of Bayley in the recent past, however she is interesting me more. I am not sure if it is the feud or just her mannerisms. Either way I am happy to see her becoming more interesting. Good post!


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