In the Spotlight (Ep. 2): Paige

In the Spotlight (Ep. 2): Paige

As you can see, this week's "In the Spotlight" superstar is none other than Paige. If you have to ask yourself "why?" then you haven't been watching WWE the past few months.

After being suspended twice for violating the wellness policy during the fall of 2016, it seemed like a return for Paige was nearly impossible. Not too long before that, it had been announced by Paige's mother that her daughter had a suffered neck injury. 

On top of the injury and back-to-back suspensions, Paige was in a relationship with Alberto Del Rio. Del Rio eventually left the company after being suspended as well, and being unhappy with where he was with the company. 

In October of 2016, Paige underwent successful neck surgery.

A lot of drama came about during Paige's path of returning to WWE. With everything that had went on, I honestly was afraid that she would never be able to return to the company.

However, I was proven wrong and the long-awaited return finally happened on November 20, 2017. The reaction from the crowd that night was definitely what I had expected. Just like myself, the crowd was excited to see her return. 

Paige is always known for making a huge impact; so, of course she did not show up alone that night. Bringing NXT stars Mandy Rose and Sonya Deville with her, Paige formed a group that would quickly dominate the RAW women's division. 

The group became known as Absolution; which is interesting because the meaning of absolution is "the act of forgiving someone."

Over the past few months, Paige has led, perhaps, the most dominant all-female faction in WWE history. 

Unfortunately, she is out of action once more after suffering an injury at a house show in late December 2017. The referee was forced to stop the match after Paige struggled to get up after being kicked in the back by Sasha Banks.

Now, the sickening part about all of this is that there have been strong rumors suggesting that Paige's WWE career is over after this latest injury. I'm really hoping that this rumor isn't true. However, if it is true, I am glad that I can say that I was able to see Paige perform live at least once. 

I want to see Paige be able to come back and continue to be one of the best performers in WWE today.

Let me know what you think of Paige in the comments below; whether it's a favorite or least favorite memory, thoughts on her current situation, or anything that comes to mind.

Remember folks... stay tough, and stay positive. 


  1. I am so sad to hear the news about paige shes such a talented athlete ;(

  2. I liked Paige best when she was in NXT.
    Wrestling Emma becoming NXT Women's champion.

    Her program with AJ Lee was alright.
    For whatever reason.
    Her main roster run never felt the same to me.

    Her low point beside injuries.
    Is the whole debacle with PCB breaking up...
    And don't get me started on the line she had to drop on Live Television about Charlotte's dead brother Reid.


  3. Forgot to mention her current situation.
    If it turns out to be true.

    In a nutshell?

    THIS blows!!!

    Just like Edge.
    This is so out of the blue and it hits home hard.

    On the other side.
    If the doctors are not confident to clear Paige.
    Difficult as it may be.
    You have to respect that.

    The last thing we want is for a performer to end up (worst case scenario)
    In a wheel chair for the rest of their lives.

    Just for the sake of entertaining US the fans.
    It's hard,but there is a life outside of wrestling.


  4. Sasha Banks shouldt of kicked her so hard. Its all her fault. Wrestlers have to trust each other & Sasha Banks can not be trusted. Why kick somebody so close to the same exact spot where Paige just had surgery? WHY?!?! If you watch the video in slow motion, Sasha Banks kicks her so hard that it caused Paige to have whiplash. That is NOT how a professional wrestler should work. Especially at a house show where the wrestlers take it easy since its not being viewed by millions on TV. Sasha shouldve known better. YOU DONT KICK SOMEBODY CLOSE TO THE NECK, UNEXPECTEDLY, WHEN THEY JUST HAD SURGERY ON IT. Sasha is a horrible person.


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